Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year, NEW ME!

This is MY year! NO JOKE!
After I had my cute little Helam (who by the way turns a year this week) I did alot of soul searching. I had complications after I had him and at one point, I thought that I was dying! As a matter of fact, I thought that I was going to die twice! The day I had him and about 6 weeks later. Long story.. Really really LONG!

So during that time, I made myself a promise.. I promised myself that I would become fit and active and I made a goal for myself to train for the Iron Man! I KNOW, RIGHT! What was I thinking? But, I am going to do it! So today I started my training! For Christmas my Mom got me an EA Active for my Wii. Today was my first day of use, and I LOVED IT! I did a 30 minute workout and my body feels great! Not only my body, but my mind and my soul! I know I have a long way to go on my training for the Iron Man, but this is the start! This spring I will start running every morning and maybe evening.

I guess I want to be that Mom who can run with her kids and be healthy and really participate in their growth, and not be that Mom who just sits on the sidelines and watches. I am proud of myself for finding the motivation this morning to do my work out! I am doing a 30 day challenge and then after that I will bump the 30 day challenge to the Expert workout (because I am on Medium now) so that will be 60 days of butt kicking!

Here goes nothing!!! WAHOO!!!

Today: Weight 153 pounds...


  1. Way to go! Keep us posted on the training. I can't imagine doing an Iron Man! My fitness goals are a half-marathon in May and either another half-marathon in Sept/Oct or maybe a full marathon if I can manage it for this year.

  2. Yay Angie!! By the way, I am way excited to be your 5K buddy, but my swimming skills SUCK, so you are on your own for the ironman! But i'll cheer for ya!

  3. Awesome Angie!! You go!!
    Side note: I'm really gonna miss your way awesome lessons in RS. You always put so much YOU into them which I totally love. :) Good luck in everything you do!
