Friday, August 14, 2009


During this summer we as a family have taken a number of camping trips. More so, than any other summer that El and I have been together. (In case you were wondering it has been 8 years, 7 of them married)

So this morning, as we were preparing for one of our adventures I looked at him and said "Hey Hon, remember 3 summers ago when we were seriously considering purchasing a camping trailer, and you were all um we wouldn't get the use out of it. Well guess what, this summer we would get our use out of it". He looked at me and said, "yep. we should have done it". DUH

Preparing to go camping is so tedious. I am having a hard time even getting excited, because of all the work that is involved. I am taking pictures right now so I can post them later. BAAAHHH

On the grander side of all of the preparation, we are going to go on an amazing trip to Bear Lake. I have never been there and neither has El. So this is a first for our entire family! I am very much so looking forward to having some quality time with the kids and El and all of our other family that is going. I am not, however looking forward to the "cold front" that is supposed to be coming in tonight. That right there is another reason we should have got us a trailer. O WELL! Here is to happy camping and hopefully a really awesome time!

1 comment:

  1. You, of all people, DO need a trailer! Tell me what you want and I'll start looking for you- now is a GREAT time to buy.
