Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Recent Milestones and 1 heartache...
~Today marks day 7 of NO soda or caffeine for El and I.
~This morning El had to add another notch to his belt! WHOOT WHOOT!!!
~As of this evening Gannon has been in underpants for 11 days! He has only had 2 poop accidents and 0 pee accidents. And last night, was the first night that I put him to bed with underpants on and he woke up twice to tell me that he had to pee! I am soo soo proud of him.
~Helam is now sitting up on his own from an on the ground position. He almost has crawling down.
~Samantha has all A's and B's so far in school. She will be starting orchestra next week!
~Kylah has all A's.
~Morgan has all A's.
~Emer is starting to like to read! WAHOO!
~Korban is realizing that he is a big boy and doesn't really need to play with my ears any more. But, he still likes to play with everyone else's..
Now for the heartache.. Helam was such a great little sleeper for so many months. But, because of the camping and him having to sleep with me during these camping trips he has become accustomed to it. So, I now have a little baby who wants to sleep in momma and daddy's bed. It is sooo soo uncomfortable. Helam is the first baby that I have had that never wanted to sleep with me from day one. So, I was grateful that he loved his own bed. But now, he likes to snuggle mom.. I hope that I can curb this trend here in the next couple of weeks. If you have any advise, please feel free to share because I've got nothin!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Diet Coke...
Today is day one. Wish me luck. I have tried to stop soda before and the soda has always won. But not this time!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Just because I can't, doesn't mean I don't want to!
This picture was take on September 7th 2009. Two days ago. We were on our way home from the 240, when a couple of incidents happened. You couldn't stand to be in your car seat any longer so your sweet sister Samantha took you. Look at you! YOUR HUGE! No longer that teeny, tiny person.. And look at your face! Your totally cooping attitude! But, you make me laugh!
So the reason for the title. Just because I can't, doesn't mean I don't want to.. I miss having the little person, who doesn't want to be independent. Who doesn't grow two bottom teeth at the age of 4 months. Who doesn't want to crawl!
I miss this!
I feel blessed beyond measure that I have you and your 6 other siblings! I don't know what I would do without you all! I am so proud to be your mom! Even if during the last 3 weeks, you have seriously developed a case of the I WANT MY SISTERS.. If you could talk, I am sure that is what your saying, because woozers kid, you totally know how to through a fit and get what you want with those girls. But really, who could resist this face?