Thursday, September 8, 2011

The adventure continues...

After years of planning and working hard to be able to find a job that will be able to sustain us in the wild desert of Utah, I can finally say that we will be able to see these beautiful mountains daily!
El has been able to get a job out in the west desert and we have a place to call home and we all couldn't be more thrilled! El leaves this week to start the move and we will soon follow in about 2 weeks. I am so greatful for all of the wonderful blessing these last 3 years have been and I look forward to all of the blessings to come in this life! Let the adventure continue!!!!!


  1. Congrats! So where exactly is it you will be moving to?

  2. Yay! I am happy you guys are finally getting out there. Those mountains will be so nice to see every day.
    and you asked about my photos, well it is an iphone app called instagram. it is addicting and easy and the pictures turn out so darn cool.
